WEGO CMS - Content Management System and internet shop - more than a CMS


Server software

HTTP server:

  • .htaccess
  • mod_rewrite (from within .htaccess file)

PHP 7.2 or 7.3 with components:

  • iconv
  • ionCube Loader
  • mbstring
  • mysqli
  • pcre
  • session
  • gettext
  • gd
  • SimpleXML

PHP PEAR library:

  • Net/SMTP

Database server:

Server configuration

  • The name of the virtual server must match the name of the domain for which a license is purchased
  • Time zone support
  • The site must be placed in the directory tree root of the WWW account (the application does not work in a subdirectory)
  • Disk space: at least 15MB (depending on the complexity of the site)
  • PHP memory limit: 48MB (superadmin—80MB)
  • file_uploads: yes
  • safe_mode: no
  • allow_url_fopen: yes
  • magic_quotes_runtime: no

In addition

  • E-mail account (SMTP access with authorization)
  • Access via FTP, SSH/SCP (only for tar archives)

Server configuration test

  • You can easily test the above requirements with the help of a program script tester.php, which should be unzipped and placed in the root directory. The script should launch when http://domain-name.foo/tester.php is called.
  • To be absolutely sure, you can test a demo version which expires 30 days after the license is generated.

When hosting does not meet requirements

Practice shows that most problems occur in connection with the ionCube Loader decoder. We recommend that you convince hosting companies to adjust their servers so that they can support this free extension.

The core of the application is encoded to protect intellectual property and as a safeguard against unauthorized modifications; however, not all hosting operators are willing to install the decoder module on their servers. Visit our website to find a list of companies where WEGO can work.